Personal Injury Law – Car Accidents

Car Accidents

Every year thousands of people are killed in auto accidents on Texas roadways. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, Texas experienced an increase in the number of motor vehicle traffic fatalities. The 2020 death toll of 3,896 was an increase of 7.54% from the 3,623 deaths recorded in 2019. There were 12,107 serious injury crashes in Texas in 2020 with 14,656 people sustaining a serious injury.
Our Law Firm has the experience and a record of success in representing people injured or killed in automobile accidents. If you are involved in a car or truck accident in Texas, it is important that you obtain a lawyer that is experienced in handling Texas auto accidents to represent you. car accident attorneys

In Texas, there is a procedure in place to determine whether negligence is involved in a car or truck accident. It is called “proper lookout,” and this means that the driver has to observe all the circumstances of driving in order to prevent a car accident. Thus, drivers have a duty to pay attention to the road as well as to other drivers. The failure to observe this simple rule could result in an automobile accident because of that driver’s negligence or inattention. More on this website

Even minor car accidents can produce injuries that are disproportionate to the event, and symptoms may not arise until well after the original accident. People involved in auto accidents include:

Drivers of vehicles where the driver is at fault.
Drivers of vehicles involved in accidents where another driver was at fault.
Passengers in vehicle accidents whose driver or the driver of another vehicle was at fault.
Pedestrians are hit by vehicles.
Cyclists and motorcycle riders were hit by motorists.

Under Texas and federal law, those injured in car or truck accidents caused by the negligence or recklessness of others are entitled to file a civil action suit – called a “tort” – against those who caused them harm. The plaintiff (claimant) files a lawsuit against the party that caused the injury (defendant). If negligence is proven, the defendant must pay the plaintiff monetary “damages” that may include consideration for present and future loss of earnings, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. In order for the plaintiff to recover damages, a skilled attorney must prove the critical elements of negligence:

The defendant had a duty to the plaintiff.
The defendant failed in that duty.

The plaintiff was injured and damaged as a result of the defendants’ breach of duty.

In Texas, automobile owners are required to carry proof of insurance coverage. If the other driver has no liability insurance or not enough insurance to pay for your injuries, your own policy may provide enough coverage to protect you against uninsured or underinsured motorists. It is best to consult an attorney at our Law Firm to seek advice regarding potential damages against the driver of a motor vehicle under these circumstances: auto accident lawyers Visite this website

There was a fatality.
Bones were broken or fractured.
There is permanent and serious injury or disfigurement.

If you are entitled to damages, your compensation may include medical expenses, lost income, property damage, and pain and suffering damages. If the accident was caused by someone else’s exceedingly reckless or careless behavior, you may also be entitled to punitive damages.

Automobile accident victims are often overwhelmed and suffering from a multiplicity of injuries – emotional, physical, and financial. If you are injured in a car accident, our Law Firm can assist you in receiving compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and other damages.

If you or a loved one have been seriously injured or killed in a car or truck accident, please contact our Law Firm today.

Choosing the Auto Accident Injury Lawyer Who’s Right for You

Choosing the Auto Accident Injury Lawyer Who’s Right for You

If you have been in a car accident, you need to contact an attorney who can give you the best results possible. We suggest that you speak with two or three attorneys before deciding on the one to handle your case. When consulting with one, ask about experience in handling cases similar to yours and make sure to discuss this lawyer’s record in litigating and settling similar car accident cases. Also, ask the attorney to provide you with a few names and contact information of a few former clients with cases similar to yours and contact them. Do not hire the attorney unless you trust him or her and are confident in their ability to represent you in a way that you are accident attorneys

The auto accident attorneys with our Law Firm have been handling car accident litigation for decades. We’ve won favorable verdicts and negotiated fair settlements against nearly every major auto insurer in the state. Insurance companies recognize our name and the reputation that precedes us. Both are very helpful in securing our clients’ fair claims from insurers. Our business is making sure that you recover as much as possible for your injuries and simplify a complicated and often dubious legal process. Below is a list of some of the services that we provide for our clients:

The time after a car accident is often stressful and confusing to the victims. Don’t add to the stress and confusion by letting an inexperienced attorney handle your case, or try to represent yourself when you are clearly unqualified to look out for your or your family’s best interests. We are uniquely qualified and fully prepared to get you the best results possible. If you or someone you know was injured in a car accident, contact an attorney at our Law Office today at 1(800) 862-1260 (toll-free) for a free consultation and find out how we can help you.

An experienced local attorney with our Law Firm will analyze your case and explain your options so that you will fully understand them. We want to make certain that you recover as much as reasonably possible for your injuries and make this sometimes complicated legal process as easy as for you to understand and navigate to a successful end. Then you can resume your life free from financial harm and with this experience in your rear-view mirror.

Personal Injury Law – Workplace Accident Attorneys

In a Workplace Wrongful Death, Non-Subscriber Employers Are Subject to the Law’s Full Weight

Workers’ comp insurance, costs less than traditional commercial insurance. But it’s still pretty expensive. Even so, almost half of Texas employers choose not to purchase workers’ comp. When an on-the-job accident happens to them, they do not have workers’ comp to protect them from civil lawsuits. And that’s good news for surviving family members. But if they are to receive the compensation for their loved one’s fatal workplace injury from these non-subscribing employers, surviving family members certainly require the investigative assistance and legal skill of a local work accident attorney to get to the bottom of the facts surrounding the accident, and then to file an insurance claim or lawsuit and see it through in order to receive fair accident attorneys

This legal process begins when the victim’s family, also known as the plaintiff, files a claim with the employer, notifying him or her of the injury and the amount of fair reimbursement the family expects. If the employer is insured, the matter us usually handed to an insurance company, which either tries to negotiate a settlement or disputes the plaintiff’s allegations outright. If negotiations progress in-good-faith between the plaintiff and the insurance company, then the case is settled and fair damages are paid to the plaintiff family. But often, work-related injury cases are hotly contested because so much money is involved in wrongful death. And the survivors must file a lawsuit to win the compensation that it deserves. As the injured party, the plaintiff holds the burden of proving that the employer’s negligence caused the injury, resulting in those high medical bills, funeral expenses, lost present and future income, pain, and suffering, as well as pain and suffering by the surviving family members.

If the employer has private coverage, then he or she isn’t likely to agree to pay your family for the negligence-related death. That’s because the insurance company doesn’t want them to. Plus, most employers know that paying an expensive insurance claim is certain to lead to significantly higher coverage rates. And their insurer consistently reminds them of that fact. Our Law Firm’s fatal work accident attorneys experienced in these matters has revealed that most non-subscribers, their insurance companies, and attorneys try to use a pair of traditional defenses to avoid paying the survivors of employees who are killed on-the-job the restitution they deserve.

We Help You Recover From the Shocking Loss of Your Beloved Family Member

The fatal work accident attorneys at our Texas Law Firm help you win the compensation you deserve.

We have been litigating and resolving workplace wrongful death cases all over Texas for decades. We have successfully negotiated countless settlements and argued many cases against every major insurance provider in the nation. We have a history of success and won numerous fair settlements for our clients on behalf of their deceased loved ones. Insurance companies know our track record and don’t want to see us in court. As a result, they often offer our clients attractive settlements without the stress and uncertainty of a jury trial.

The fatal workplace accident attorneys with our Law Firm do whatever is necessary to help you obtain justice and fair restitution for the loved one that has been taken from you. To find out how we can help, call for a free consultation that will be the first step to finding peace of mind in memory of your dearly departed family member.